Transfer Credit Criteria & Requirements
Coursework completed or taken at an institution other than the University of West Georgia is considered transfer credit.
Students must submit an official transcript from all previously attended institutions. Here at 澳门新普京注册, Transfer Evaluations are processed in the order they are received. The evaluation is typically processed within 2 weeks after a student has been accepted by Admissions. Once processed, students receive email notification to his/her 澳门新普京注册 email account that the transfer evaluation may be accessed via my澳门新普京注册.
Please review the following sections for more information about Transferring to 澳门新普京注册.
When a transfer student is accepted to 澳门新普京注册, the Office of Admissions sends the student's information to the Office of the Registrar for evaluation. Student transcripts are evaluated in the order they are received from the Admission’s Office. Once completed, the student will receive an email informing them that their transfer evaluation can be viewed via my澳门新普京注册.
Transfer Criteria:
- 澳门新普京注册 grants credit for courses completed at regionally accredited institutions.
- Your transfer GPA includes only coursework that is transferable, effective Fall 2020.
- Repeated courses, the highest grade will be transferred and awarded earned credit, effective Fall 2020.
- To satisfy the residency requirement for a bachelor's degree, a student is required to complete a minimum of 33 semester credit hours at 澳门新普京注册. To satisfy the residency requirement for a nexus degree, a student is required to complete a minimum of 15 semester credit hours at 澳门新普京注册.
- Students transferring from a non-USG or a non-TCSG Georgia institution or attended an institution outside the state of Georgia who receives credit for HIST 2111 or HIST 2112 or POLS 1101 will not have satisfied the Georgia history and constitution requirements unless the course description/syllabus states that the GA history or constitution was part of the course. The same applies to students who earn credit for HIST 2111 or 2112 or POLS 1101 through International Baccalaureate testing, AP testing, CLEP testing, or DSST testing. The Georgia history and constitution requirements can be satisfied by passing examinations administered each semester by the Academic Testing Office.
- Transfer credit is not awarded for Internships, directed studies, practicums, workshops, upper level seminars, orientation classes (less than 2 semester hours), learning support courses, career associate degree courses, and/or courses used to meet CPC deficiencies prior to Fall of 2015. Department chair approval is needed to award credit for fieldwork type courses.
- A course that has a direct 澳门新普京注册 course equivalent or elective as determined by the department, and has a grade of "D" or higher, with the exception of ENGL 1101 and ENGL 1102, which requires a grade of "C" or higher are transferable. Not all transferable courses may be eligible to count in the degree program per program regulations (see specific degree program for more information).
- All quarter hours will be converted to semester hours on your evaluation. One quarter hour is the equivalent of 2/3 of a semester hour. Example: 5 hour courses will be converted to 3.34 semester hours. A minimum of 120 academic semester hours are required to receive a bachelor's degree (must complete degree program requirements).
- Courses will be assigned 澳门新普京注册 course numbers if they are determined to be direct 澳门新普京注册 equivalents. Discipline equivalents are determined by the appropriate academic department. Elective credit (1XXX-4XXX) will be assigned if a course cannot be deemed an direct 澳门新普京注册 equivalent.
- A 1000-2000 level course cannot be awarded a 3000-4000 level course equivalent. Undergraduate coursework may not substitute or transfer more than one level (e.g., a 1000-level course may not be substituted or accepted in transfer to replace a 3000-level course or vice versa).
- For elective credit to substitute for a 澳门新普京注册 course, written approval from the respective department chair is required (see Transfer Credit Re-Evaluation Form (PDF, 266K).
- We recommend reviewing Credit by Exams, General Education Core Curriculum requirements as noted in the Undergraduate Catalog, Program of Study requirements, and transfer policies in the University Undergraduate Catalog to see how your transfer courses may be used within a particular program of study.
- If you have questions, please contact the advising center or department of your major. Take a copy of your transfer evaluation with you to Advisement/Orientation listed in your Self-Service Banner account.
The Transfer Course Equivalency Tool is provided as a service for students who want to know whether the courses they are taking, or plan to take, will transfer to the University of West Georgia.
This tool is for reference only. University of West Georgia course equivalents are subject to change upon official evaluation by the appropriate department. The listing or exclusion of courses from this program does not reflect on acceptability of the courses to the University of West Georgia.
To view Transfer Course Equivalencies, click on Transfer Course Equivalency Tool
Question: Will all of my courses transfer in as institutional credit in my major?
Answer: It depends
Courses will transfer as specific 澳门新普京注册 courses if they are determined to be direct 澳门新普京注册 equivalents. Discipline equivalents are determined by the appropriate academic department. Elective credit (1XXX – 4XXX) will be assigned if a course cannot be deemed a direct 澳门新普京注册 equivalent.
No-Credit (0XXX) will be awarded if 澳门新普京注册 cannot award credit due to various reasons including, but not limited to the following:
1) The transfer institution is not regionally accredited.
2) In the case of TCSG institutions, the course is not covered under the articulation agreement between 澳门新普京注册 and the TCSG institution.
3) The transfer Institution does not have the appropriate discipline specific accreditation (Examples: Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business accreditation for business and accounting courses; One of four Nursing Accreditations for nursing course credit).
4) Additional review of the transcript and course descriptions is required by the 澳门新普京注册 faculty in the department that houses the major prior to awarding credit (Example: Art & Music Disciplines). Art and Music courses are automatically sent to the appropriate department.
Note: For courses in which you have received elective credit or no credit, other than Art & Music, that you wish to have considered for re-evaluation, please complete a credit re-evaluation form and submit it along with the syllabus from the course you wish to be re-evaluated to the discipline-specific department.
Any undergraduate transfer student who would like to request a re-evaluation of a given transfer course equivalent, should submit the Transfer Credit Re-Evaluation Form found under "Other Forms" on the Office of the Registrar's Forms page, a course description, and/or a course syllabus to the department chair in the relevant discipline. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain and submit the course description and/or a course syllabus along with the form.
Important points concerning the re-evaluation of transfer credits:
- This form should only be used when the student is requesting that a transfer course equivalent be changed. A student or advisor wishing to substitute one course for another course in the degree program should submit a petition in Wolf Watch instead of completing this form.
- A grade of ‘D’ cannot be awarded for ENGL 1101, ENGL 1102, or if the degree program requires a minimum for transferability.
- A 1000-2000 level course cannot be awarded a 3000-4000 level course equivalent. Undergraduate coursework may not substitute or transfer more than one level (e.g., a 1000-level course may not be substituted or accepted in transfer to replace a 3000-level course or vice versa).
- Departmental decisions on 澳门新普京注册 course equivalents are final. There is no appeal beyond the departmental level.
Please direct questions to the Transfer Team in the Registrar’s Office at: or (678) 839-6438
Students, who have served in a branch of the military, may be eligible to receive college credit for their training. Students must submit an official military transcript (JST) and request their record be evaluated for possible college credit. Branches of the military to request a JST from: Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. For the Air Force, a student will request a Community College of the Air Force Transcript (CCAF).
- Military credit is awarded based upon the American Council on Education (ACE) guide for Military Credit recommendations and the approval of 澳门新普京注册 faculty. Credits are generally elective credits that may be used in the degree and major program and will be listed with a grade of ‘S’ on the student’s transcript.
- No credit is awarded for Basic Training; however, students with 2 or more years Active Duty Military Services may waive their physical education activity requirement by submitting a copy of their DD214.
- Military credit is the only credit that can be removed if request by the student, due to financial restrictions, during their first enrolled semester at 澳门新普京注册.
To request a Joint Services Transcript (JST), visit the site for Military One Source Requesting a JST Transcript
To request a Community College of the Air Force Transcript (CCAF), visit the page for requesting a Community College of the Air Force Transcript
To view previously evaluated Military Transfer Credit, view the Transfer Equivalency Tool.
Please contact the Office of the Registrar for assistance at
The University of West Georgia currently has several articulation agreements with the Technical College System of Georgia, West Georgia Technical College, and Georgia Highlands College.
The Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) articulation agreement specifies 28 general education courses that are guaranteed to transfer between SACSCOC-accredited USG institutions.
The West Georgia Technical College (WGTC) articulation agreements outline how the credits from WGTC’s associate degree programs seamlessly transfer to 澳门新普京注册’s bachelor programs within the same subject areas. Specific Transfer Pathway programs offered: General Studies, Biology, Criminal Justice, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Economics, and Nursing.
*Please note, courses that are not listed on TCSG and WGTC articulation agreements are not transferable, but are eligible to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Once admitted and your transfer evaluation has been completed, please review your transfer credits to see if you will need to fill out a Transfer Credit Re-Evaluation Form (see link above). To see if additional courses outside of the agreements have been approved by the department, please reference the Equivalency Tool (see link above).
The Georgia Highlands College (GHC) articulation agreements outline how the credits from GHC's degree programs seamlessly transfer to 澳门新普京注册's bachelor programs within the same subject areas. Specific agreements offered: Business, Criminal Justice, Geology, Mass Communications, Recreation, and Sports Management.
Students should contact with any questions regarding these agreements. 澳门新普京注册 Faculty & Staff can view the agreements on the Registrar Work West Website.
Transfer Policies and Viewing your Self-Service Banner Transcript Evaluation